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How much is xrp20 worth?

The current price is $0.000019 per XRP20 with a 24-hour trading volume of $98.65. Currently, XRP20 is valued at 97.63% below its all time high of $0.000802. This all-time high was the highest price paid for XRP20 since its launch. The current circulating supply of XRP20 is 0 XRP20 which means that XRP20 has as total market cap of 0.

What is 1 xrp20 (xrp20) in USD?

The price of converting 1 XRP20 (XRP20) to USD is $0.00001625 today. XRP20 (XRP20) is worth $0.00001625 today, which is a 0.1% decline from an hour ago and a 4.1% decline since yesterday. The value of XRP20 today is 13.3% lower compared to its value 7 days ago. In the last 24 hours, the total volume of XRP20 traded was $1,476.27.

What is the trading volume of xrp20 (xrp20)?

The trading volume of XRP20 (XRP20) is $1,189.14 in the last 24 hours, representing a -66.20% decrease from one day ago and signalling a recent fall in market activity. What is the all-time high for XRP20 (XRP20)? The highest price paid for XRP20 (XRP20) is $0.0001001, which was recorded on Aug 24, 2023 (9 months).

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